Dear Friend,
We welcome you to the Infosys fraternity and hope you have a very rewarding and productive career with us.
We are delighted that you have accepted our offer and agreed upon the joining date. Please find below guidelines and FAQs to ensure ease of joining.
I. Mark sheets / Documents to be verified & Frequently asked questions:
The following documents are mandatory requirements during your induction program.During the verification process the content of the document as well as its authenticity will be verified.
For complete list of required documents check Training @Infosys Mysore : GET STARTEDII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. I have lost all of my Mark sheets.
You will have to send an email to offer_extension@infosys.com mentioning your candidate ID and get it clarified.
2. I have lost few of my Mark sheets.
It is important to submit the original mark sheets at the time of joining, however if you have lost some mark sheets you will have to carry an attested copy of the lost mark sheets. The attestation has to be mandatorily done by the college. Please apply for the duplicate copy and the same has to be submitted within one month of your joining.
3. Results of 8th semester/7th semester have been declared but the university has not issued the marks card.
You need to submit some documentary proof duly attested by the college/University, mentioning the marks that you have secured. If you have a print of the internet copy, the same has to be attested by the college.
Please note: If the internet copy has more than one name, then the attestation should be against your name only.
4. I have a backlog in one of the semester, can I join?
You cannot join us if you have any backlogs in any of the semesters (1 – 8 semesters) on the date of joining.
5. I am yet to appear for Viva. Is it fine to join?
a. You cannot join us until and unless you have appeared for viva before joining.
b. You can join us if you have completed the viva but have not received the results of the same.
6. How should we calculate the marks to know whether we are meeting the required eligibility?
Ideally during your recruitment you would have been informed about the minimum percentage/Grades required in your academics necessary to join the company. Simple average can be used to calculate the percentage needed (include all the marks of the subjects including the optional to derive at the simple average)
7. Is it mandatory to complete the medical formalities at the time of joining?
Yes. It is one the important prerequisite at the time of joining.
8. Is e-joining mandatory before joining?
Yes. You are expected to complete e-joining on or before a week of your joining date and carry the print out of the e-joining personal data form with you at the time of joining. In case of issues accessing the site, please connect with our representative on the toll-free helpline number – 1800 3000 4747.
For the complete guide to E-joining process check InfyLounge Guide : E-Joining Process
For the complete list FAQs check Training @Infosys Mysore - FAQs
III. Medical TestsAs a part of your pre-joining process, Infosys requires you to undergo the below mentioned Medical Tests. You will be required to produce the following at the time of joining:
1. Medical reports of the tests
2. Medical Certificates in the Hospital letter head should be in the same format as the attachment. (Please refer Medical certificate – Joining)
Following are the tests you need to undergo before joining.
2. Chest X ray
3. Typhoid (Widal)
4. Urine routine and bile pigments
5. Blood grouping and Rh Typing
6. Stool check
*** Please note that the medical checkup needs to be undergone in the hospitals mentioned in the attached document only.(Please refer attachment NIC Network Hospitals)The expenses for the medical tests will have to be borne by the employee.
Download List of NIC Network Hospitals
*** The Medical Report is mandatory for joining formalities.
IV. National Skills Registry (NSR)
You would be required to register to NSR and have your ITPIN number handy prior to your joining Infosys Limited & need to submit proof of the same on the date of joining.
Please note that this is mandatory & No deviation will be accepted. The cost of your registration with National Skills Registry will have to be borne by you. For the complete steps/procedure of NSR registration please refer to InfyLounge Guide : NSR Registration
when i suppose to recieve this mail My DOJ is 22 july
My date of joining is on August 5th, I did not get any mail regarding the online training, and you have said that it is mandatory to register with the e-joining by April 8th. Is this for all batches?
What will be the total duration of Infosys training at mysore?
No problem. You can check in within 8pm
I have received mail about my DOJ it is on october 7th but no mail about medical test or any other thing.
In current mail I am supposed to take agreement print out and do NSR registration .So My doubt was when will I receive mail about reporting time and medical test .
And is it okay if i don't have driving license ?
hi.. what is dress code in infosys during training period.
You have mentioned that "Please refer Medical certificate – Joining" , but you have not given any link over there . So , please give a link to refer the format of the Hospital Letter Head . Reply soon pls .
what can be the approximate cost of these medical test..?
one month prior to joining date you will get the email and it will contain all the details ...
hi,... i'm nt clear with this (( 5. I am yet to appear for Viva. Is it fine to join?))
can any1 explain this...?
on what basis we can get an extension from training for 4 - 5 months..??? please reply asap...
Can u please suggest any hospital in MADANAPALLI-517325, ANDHRAPRADESH
i have diabetes type 1... did this cause any problem to my offer... reply plz... im so much afraid of it..
Hello, can you please post the format of the Medical Test to be done? The joiners would be greatly benefited by it.
hi,ma candidate id is wrong in medical certificate .wil it be any problem?
My father works with Tata Power and they have an inhouse clininc. So can i get the checkup done from there?
Hi...my joining date is on sept 23rd.I have been asked to report infy at 4pm...By any chance can i report on 22nd by 11am only...i mean can i attend earlier slot?
around Rs1000
yes u can
if fast track then 3 months,for intermediate 4 months
do we need to photocopies of documents get attested?
if so it should be attested by a notary or any gazetted officer can do??
hey..I have undergone all the medical tests and gotten the certificate on January itself..I thought it was necessary for interns as well..They didn't ask during that period..So I got my soft skill offer letter for August 5th .. Can I use the SAME MEDICAL CERTIFICATE?
So can u get it done at the in-house clinic
Did you problem got solved
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